Benny Hinn, your sins will catch-up to you!
Benny Hinn
wolf in sheep's clothing

It looks like justice may finally be coming to Benny Hinn. Finally, the IRS is looking into his scandalous operation, where he is reported to be taking around $1 million in compensation, per year, from the faitfhul donors to his ministry. See the article here.
Quote from the article:
Paul Nelson, head of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, said the Hinn ministry seems to have invited IRS scrutiny. "If I was their counsel, I would say that," he said. "I don't think anybody envisioned a $10 million parsonage. "That's absolutely grotesque."
I did a salary review of the most prominent media ministers with 501c3 (tax exempt) organizations. The analysis is here, and the actual data is here (MS Excel spreadsheet). As you can see, $150,000 or under is a good salary range for the top exec's. The scandalous people, like Benny Hinn, are making many multiples of this, which reveals their greed. By the way, Hinn doesn't release his salary and other info, hiding behind "church exempt rules." We all know his ministry is not a church, but a parachurch organization.
We all need to rise-up and be good stewards. We need to shun the greedy"ministers" like Benny Hinn, and reward those that are doing a great job, such as Focus on the Family and Coral Ridge Ministries. I urge you to contact the IRS and let them know that you are pleased that they are cleaning-up these abuses from the system.
...Bernie (
I have a sincere question. What do you consider to be "parachurch?" I was teaching a Bible class to Chinese people, and my church considered it parachurch and suggested I quit doing it. They don't have an international ministry. This does not seem right to me at all. But I'd still like to hear what you say about "parachurch" ministries. This question has nothing to do with Benny Hinn. I agree it's outrageous for any follower of the Lord to be greedy for money. We should be giving it away. Where does all this talk of "parachurch" stuff come from anyway? What does it mean, and what's wrong with it? Isn't FreeGoodNews (which I appreciate) a parachurch ministry?
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